The U.S. Cannot Deliver a Europe 'Whole and Free'—Only Europeans Can

By Peter Harris

In May 1989, President George H.W. Bush articulated for a West German audience his vision of a Europe "whole and free." Back then, with the green chutes of democracy only just beginning to appear on the other side of the Iron Curtain, it was clear that the United States had an indispensable role to play in ushering the continent toward a peaceful resolution of the Cold War.

Today, however, it is far less obvious that America can play a constructive part in solving Europe's most pressing problems. The emergency in Ukraine is demonstrating in real time that Washington has a limited ability to fix crises as they emerge. Worse, U.S. attempts at leadership might even be hindering progress toward a lasting settlement in Eastern Europe.

Europeans must not give up on the vision of a Europe whole and free. It is an idea worth trying for. They should, however, let go of the notion that the continent—the whole continent—can be made secure through reliance on the United States. It cannot. A Europe whole and free requires a Europe that can manage its own affairs.

This piece was originally published in Newsweek on February 14, 2022. Read more HERE.