In Ukraine’s Kherson Offensive, An Echo Of A U.S. Military Fiasco: The 1944 Battle Of Rapido River

By Daniel Davis

On August 29, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, after months of preparation, launched an offensive to retake the Kherson region from occupying Russian troops.  As many had warned in the weeks preceding the attack, there was no viable military path to victory for the Ukrainian offensive. The Ukraine military launched its attack anyway. Early independent assessments indicate the attack has indeed failed, and at a high cost in troops lost.

While its reasonable to ask why the Ukraine military would launch an attack that evidence strongly suggested they could not win, we have some of our own dark military history to provide a partial explanation. In a remarkably similar situation to World War II, the United States Army launched an offensive action in 1944 against the Germans defending along a river line in central Italy. It was called the Rapido River. It would turn out to be one of the worst military defeats for the United States in the war.

It proved to be an attack that was unnecessary and completely avoidable. Nearly an entire division was pointlessly sacrificed.

This piece was originally published in 1945 on September 7, 2022. Read more HERE.