June 28, 2022
WASHINGTON, DC—Today marks the start of a NATO summit taking place in Madrid. Defense Priorities Policy Director Benjamin H. Friedman issued the following statement in response:
“Less is likely to occur at the NATO summit than advertised. Of course, the specter of Ukraine will hover over the meeting, but little concerning the war is likely to be decided. Member states will remain split on whether to push Ukraine to pursue a settlement including territorial concessions or continue to fight in the increasingly futile hope of evicting Russian forces from Ukrainian territory.
“Neither are the issues of Sweden and Finland’s membership bids likely to be resolved; a breakthrough to find the right payoff for Turkey is unlikely anytime soon. Even less likely are real efforts to evaluate, let alone resolve, the challenges Finland in particular poses. Its membership would add 830 miles to NATO’s border with Russia, more than doubling it. The question of whose forces might bolster Finland’s defense, and what role U.S. nuclear weapons play, should be discussed at this meeting and beyond. But that seems likely to be waived aside in favor of a coronation atmosphere.
“NATO will unveil a new strategy document at the summit, which will reportedly focus especially on China. This shift, while the war in Ukraine rages, reflects a strange lack of focus. China is not a military threat to Europe, and NATO is a European security organization, which has just been potently reminded of its purpose: balancing Russia.
“Rather than look to China, perhaps in an attempt to placate U.S. concerns, European powers should do more, and especially coordinate more among themselves, to balance Russian power, which has proved less capable than expected in Ukraine. Europe has plenty of spare capacity to do so. This would free up U.S. forces and funds and help build up Europe as an effective defense partner, rather than leaving in place a group of dependents beholden to U.S. leadership.”

Policy Director
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