June 24, 2020
Reduce U.S. troops in Europe, don’t send more to Poland
June 24, 2020
Contact: press@defensepriorities.org
WASHINGTON, DC—Today, in a press conference with Polish President Andrzej Duda, President Trump remarked a number of U.S. troops in Germany will probably be moved to Poland. Defense Priorities Policy Director Benjamin H. Friedman issued the following statement in response:
“The United States doesn’t need more forces in Poland—or anywhere in Europe for that matter. Whether they come from Germany or Fort Drum, adding U.S. forces to Poland does nothing to enhance U.S. security and undermines efforts to reduce U.S. defense burdens in Europe.
“Though Poland’s current government seems eager to gain U.S. support as it antagonizes Russia, that is not in our national interest. With a GDP smaller than Italy’s hurt by energy prices and a shrinking labor force, Russia remains a limited conventional threat beyond its borders. If there is a need for greater protection in Poland, Warsaw should start by asking its European neighbors for help. The U.S. already does too much for European security.
“We should put troops where they are needed to secure U.S. interests. Neither Poland nor Germany is a good candidate in that sense. If European nations do more because fewer U.S. forces are defending them—good. If they do nothing different due to the limited threat from Russia or anyone else, that too is fine. The U.S. limits costs and risks in either case.
“The U.S., buffeted by coronavirus, exploding debt, and domestic troubles should focus more on getting its own act together and less on responding to alarmism about Russia—especially on behalf of wealthy nations. The U.S. should shift burdens on to European allies, not take on more.”

Policy Director
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