January 7, 2020
“Maximum pressure” is an escalation strategy that has predictably escalated to direct U.S.-Iran conflict
By Daniel Davis
January 7, 2020
Contact: press@defensepriorities.org
WASHINGTON, DC—Tonight, reports indicate Iran fired missiles at U.S. targets inside Iraq following U.S. airstrikes that killed IRGC Gen. Qassem Soleimani. Defense Priorities Senior Fellow Lt. Col. Daniel L. Davis, USA, Ret. issued the following statements in response:
“‘Maximum pressure’ is an escalation strategy that has predictably escalated to direct U.S.-Iran conflict. As expected, Iran has responded to avenge the killing of Qassem Soleimani, launching missiles at U.S. targets. Those U.S. forces should have already been moved out of Iran’s reach.
“We don’t yet know know the aftermath of these attacks, and we should withhold judgment about responses until we know more, not rush to punitive strikes that will only bring more escalation and potentially a disastrous war. Regardless of that choice, the appropriate U.S. response can be organized and executed offshore without leaving U.S. forces vulnerable in Iraq. Unlike Iran, the U.S. can project power from anywhere.
“Drawing down from the Middle East has long made strategic sense, and doing so now would keep U.S. forces safe, minimize the chances for all-out war with Iran, and preserve U.S. power.”

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