April 13, 2021
Biden’s commitment to exit Afghanistan by 9/11 is welcome—and overdue
By Daniel Davis
April 13, 2021
Contact: press@defensepriorities.org
WASHINGTON, DC—Today, The Washington Post reported that President Biden will withdraw all U.S. forces from Afghanistan by September 11, 2021. Defense Priorities Senior Fellow Lt. Col. Daniel L. Davis issued the following statement in response:
“The Biden administration’s decision to announce a full and complete U.S. troop withdrawal from Afghanistan by September 11, 2021 is good news. The withdrawal is a logical, realistic acknowledgment that the U.S. has achieved all it can in this 20-year war. While it’s disappointing that U.S. forces will remain in Afghanistan after May 1, setting a concrete date for withdrawal is a strong indication that the U.S. is intent on leaving.
“The U.S. went into Afghanistan for two specific reasons: 1) annihilate Al-Qaeda and 2) punish the Taliban for harboring the group. The U.S. and its allies accomplished these goals in the war’s first year. The change of mission to counterinsurgency and nation-building proved to be a significant mistake with high costs in blood and treasure, binding two generations of U.S. servicemembers to an unwinnable civil war. By ending the U.S. military role in Afghanistan, President Biden deserves credit for accepting reality: the U.S. need not commit itself to a perpetual war in order to protect its security interests.
“The American people have long been opposed to continued U.S. military involvement in Afghanistan. For years, polls have consistently demonstrated the public’s disillusionment about the conflict. Many have rightly questioned whether molding Afghanistan into a pro-Western democracy was possible or even necessary.
“Breaking the May 1 deadline in the withdrawal agreement negotiated by the the Trump administration is risky. The Taliban may withhold their compliance with the deal, including their agreement not to attack US forces. Regardless, nothing should be allowed to again delay U.S. exit.”

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