The atrocious attacks by Hamas militants against Israeli civilian and military targets has reminded the world that this conflict is always simmering just under the surface, breaking open with little warning or provocation. More strikingly, it underlines a hard truth that many U.S. leaders still seem unable to accept: that the Israel–Palestine conflict is a gordian knot the U.S. cannot untie.
The complexity of the problem lies in its genesis: Multiple religious groups lay claim to land that has a holy significance to them. Members on both sides feel obligated at the depths of their souls to fight for it with a zeal that money, military power, and the threat of death cannot overcome. The Israeli response to the attacks will likely be disproportionate, but the methods and goals of that response are solely Israel’s to determine. It is also very likely that the Hamas leadership expects such a response, and indeed might be counting on it to rally Islamic sentiments in the region, disrupt the growing relationship between Israel and some Arab governments, and breed the next generation of extremist fighters.
Read article in The American Conservative

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