Michael DiMino

Michael DiMino

Public Policy Manager & Fellow

Areas of expertise: Military analysis, intelligence policy, national security policy, great power competition, grand strategy, Russian military, PRC military, air power, naval power, South China Sea, information warfare, special operations warfare, counterterrorism, Middle East

Michael DiMino is Public Policy Manager and Fellow at Defense Priorities. As a former career CIA military analyst and counterterrorism officer, DiMino is an expert on a broad range of defense, terrorism, and intelligence issues.

At CIA, he worked on sensitive national security problems spanning the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. He served in operational assignments overseas, and at Headquarters, where he authored key strategic intelligence assessments—including for the President’s Daily Brief—and led regular briefings for senior US government officials. He also coordinated on crisis response and policy implementation across various interagency working groups in the Intelligence Community and Executive Branch.

Most recently, DiMino served as a consultant to the Department of Defense, advising the Joint Chiefs of Staff and United States European Command on the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Previously, he was a Global Governance Analyst at The Streit Council and a Legislative Fellow to Sen. John McCain. He holds a B.A. from American University and M.A. from Johns Hopkins University.


Research and writing